

A little about

背景: 父亲严肃,缺少正面肯定;母亲刻薄(主要的性格缺陷来源)。艺术系(声乐专业),公关职业经理人,大连人曾经至少在沈阳、深圳生活过。16岁接触社会。


第一任主是深圳年下男,方式是通过建立信任; 中间过程资料缺失; 现任主是大连退役运动员,以冠军的身份优势并准确抓住她的心理活动,是她已知最无法割舍的。.

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实际工作中,她游刃有余,是实干派。 但是缺少表达欲望,不喜欢推销自己的成绩。做事雷厉风行却会为别人留下余地。她是一个很好的合作伙伴,但是不能胜任一把手的职位。 与人相处上,她善于从对方角度考虑问题。 同时对别人的善意和恶意有激烈的回应,这说明她在处理人际关系上是一个以感性为主的人。另外她本质上是一个很敏感的人, 对于可能伤害自己的事情习惯以逃避解决

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最喜欢的Max Black

This is probably gonna seem rigiculous to you, because you're a horse and I'm just some lady that's been slipping you carrots for the last few months, but I realy got attached to you. This is a way more than most horses get out of me. I wasn't even this upset when they discontinued tan M&Ms. I,um... I really haven't had much go right for me in my life, and I'm pretty sure things are gonna keep getting worse but, you are good thing. And when everythin sucked, you were the best thing we had going. ------------the first shown real emotion from Max

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